In My Garden: Persimmons!

I always look forward to the next fruit that will be ready to pick in my yard. I have recently finished the guavas and jujubes from my trees, and have been watching the progress of my persimmons and they are perfect for picking right now. I have two varieties of persimmons: chocolate and fuyu. The chocolate persimmons are my favorite for taste but must be allowed to get very soft before eating or they will be very astringent, which is not at all pleasant. But when they are soft they are incredibly sweet and delicious. They are called chocolate persimmons because the center is dark brown when ripe. The fuyu can be eaten both hard and soft. In my opinion the softer the fruit the better the taste. This year my little tree is producing a huge amount of huge fruit. The photo above was taken after I had eaten many of the persimmons. Yumm!

Derek Pruitt

Squarespace Authorized Trainer.

In My Garden: Apples!


Dining Tables (and Chairs)