A Live-Edge Fireplace Mantle and TV/Storage Cabinet in San Diego, CA

I received a call from an interior designer I had not worked with before, and she asked if I would look at a few projects in Santaluz, a community on the outskirts of Rancho Santa Fe (RSF), CA. She had done work on a home in The Bridges in RSF, and saw an entryway and wine alcove surround on it that I had made years ago. We arranged a meeting with her clients, who were delightful. They had some specific ideas, but were also open to new ideas. Like The Bridges, the community is based on a Tucson-style architecture, popular in arid Italy, which is similar and very appropriate for our own arid landscape here in Southern California. 

The first project was a mantel. They wanted a natural live-edge piece of wood, a style I find extremely interesting, so I was excited to start on this project. Because the face of the fireplace was curved I had to have several ideas on how I might accomplish that. After making some calls and looking online at some suppliers I use for live-edge pieces, I found someone local who had just the right piece. I laid out the template I had made of their fireplace onto the slab, and it was perfect. It was a large slab of eucalyptus over 4" thick with a natural curve. I bought the piece immediately. I did the necessary mill work so it would fit the fireplace, I miiled in concealed attachments so that it would attach to the back edge of the fireplace, sanded it and then put a natural finish on the mantel so that the beautiful natural colors came out. We installed it and it was exactly what my clients asked for. 

The second project they wanted was a TV/storage cabinet to be made of solid walnut with crotch walnut panels. After getting approval of my artistic rendering we made the piece. As usual, all the wood is hand selected from rough material, milled, constructed and finished in my shop. The hardware is from Italy. We delivered the piece of furniture and it fit perfectly. It is a piece of furniture that will be used and handed down to future generations, which is always my goal when I do any project, large or small.

Derek Pruitt

Squarespace Authorized Trainer.


In My Garden: Critters, Part II


In My Garden: Critters!