In My Garden: Roma Tomatoes!

I have been trying for years to grow delicious tomatoes on the coast in Southern California, with not much luck. This year, however, my tomatoes are thriving. The roma tomatoes in my garden, which are the best for cooking, are very small, varying in size between a pear tomato and a large oval cherry tomato.

Laura will collect about 35-40 of them for one meal for the two of us. She sautes some garlic and jalapeno (the jalapeno grows in my garden as well), slices the tomatoes in half and throws them in the pan with a little salt and simmers for a few minutes. I have included her recipe below, for a quick and easy weeknight meal sure to impress your friends and family. Leave out the jalapenos if you don't want the heat. This recipe is not limited to soba noodles. We have put it on adzuki bean noodles and brown rice noodles. You can easily top it on conventional pasta. It can also be topped on mashed potatoes or brown rice. Easy to get creative with this recipe.


2-3 cloves garlic, minced

1 fresh jalapeno, cut into a small chop. Seeded if you don't want too much heat. (jalapeno is optional, but adds a nice heat)

Roma tomatoes, cut in half if very small. Cut into chunks if using larger tom's

Handful of basil, chopped

Soba noodles (or noodle of choice)

In a medium pan, heat some olive oil, or oil of choice, and add the garlic and jalapeno. Sauté for just a few seconds, then add tomatoes and basil. Sauté on medium-low heat a few minutes until the tomatoes soften, maybe three to five minutes.

Meanwhile cook your pasta according to directions. When pasta is done, drain, plate, and top with tomato mixture.

Above: At the beginning of the saute.

Above: After sauting for a few minutes. The tomatoes break down, the juices flow, and it's packed with flavors.

Derek Pruitt

Squarespace Authorized Trainer.

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