Horses running free

I am often commissioned to make and carve doors for other parts of the home, including the kitchen, dining room, powder room, wine room, master bed and bath rooms, studies and offices. Many times these rooms have a special significance to my clients and they want some special art work to enjoy while spending time there. Like the front door, artwork adds a lifetime of enjoyment each time that door is used, and more often than not, these doors are used more than the front door. Whether figured wood, art glass, simple or intricate carvings, or metal work is used, it is an addition that adds a distinctive touch to those areas of the home that are sometimes overlooked.

I designed, built and carved the running horses doors out of solid pecan for study doors in a Rancho Santa Fe, CA, home. My clients love their horses and wanted to portray them in their home, and the study doors were the perfect canvas. The carvings are on both sides of the doors so they could be enjoyed from inside or outside of the room, and are off the living room in a prominent location that could be seen as you walked through the house. I really enjoy making these special carvings for my clients, it really adds a personal touch to their home. 

Derek Pruitt

Squarespace Authorized Trainer.

In My Garden: Butterflies and more!


St. Marks Church, San Diego, CA